Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh Mr .Romney its not over

just when every one felt that the GOP race was a two horse race Santorum comes running back into the picture. after beating Romney in  Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri  Santorum is really shaking up the race again. all along he had been the underdog that actually has a chance. given he dose not have the funds or the big name backings of Romney or Newt. now many on the GOP side are freaking out . they feel that if this race stays a three man race to the end the party will be to fractured to get fully behind a presidential candidate. Romney still feels that he can beat Santorum in head to head debates but i dont think head to head debates is what voters will have on there mind as the vote. its gonna be the candidates past that the voters vote on. an Newt and Romney have some skeletons. Now i will admit i am a backer of Santorum but it just seems the tide is turning for the lil guy, the under dog, and i think it is time for the big guns in the GOP to take a look at the candidates pasts and decide to get behind a candidate who has a reasonable past, has charisma, and who has a clear plan for the future 

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